Saturday, June 21, 2008

Another "slight pause"

"Slight pause!!!" was something my grandmother always announced, slightly annoyed, when one of her grandchildren didn't jump on his or her turn quickly enough during one of our many many many card games.
Once again, we had a "Slight Pause" in our blog. This time, the problem was a hard drive failure in a three-month old computer. Fortunately, the warranty covered replacement and we're back in business. The Geek Squad was able to salvage most of our data, but not everything, especially the most recent updates (do as I say, not as I do......Back Up your files!)
The most serious loss was our email address book and whatever emails were pending response in the last few weeks. If you emailed TREES recently and have not heard from us, please send us another note. We're doing our best to catch up with everything computer-related. We apologize for this inconvenience. Thanks for sticking with us.

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