Thursday, August 7, 2008

Santa came!

Oh boy, oh boy!

A short note while hopping up and down!

The UPS truck just delivered a brand new, shiny Celestron microscope, courtesy of Gene and Carol Craigo, two of Traveller's Rest's most dedicated volunteers. Having this microscope (and a few other supplies) means we will be able to perform fecal egg counts at the farm for pennies. Being able to do FEC's on a frequent basis will allow us to monitor the internal parasite control portion of our integrated pest management plan. Hopefully, testing will provide proof that the plan works. On the other hand, it may show that we need to tweak the program in some areas. Either way, this gift provides a priceless opportunity to gauge the success of one aspect of TREES' management style.

Thank you Gene & Carol!! Let the sampling begin!

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