Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy 40th, Red Dugger!

"One of Debbie Benkert-Curtis' oldest and dearest friend turns 40 on May 16, and she's throwing him a party. It might sound strange that she's planning to hold the celebration in a stable, but it's actually a natural venue choice.

That's because her old buddy, Red Dugger, is a horse."

"Curtis said she's invited ""just about everybody'' to the celebration, which will take place at the Atlantic Avenue farm. There will be carrot cake, she said, and balloons. It will be a chance for others to join her in a tribute to the friend who has been, in Curtis' words, "the one thing in the majority of my life that's been constant.""

No need for editorial comments from us on this one!
Go to to read the whole story.

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