Monday, September 14, 2009

The Little Things

It doesn't take much to get us excited. Yesterday, Gene & Carol brought two new whisk brooms and that's about all it takes. (We use whisk brooms to sweep up the Toothless Wonders' feeding stations so other horses don't try to vacuum up the leftovers and swallow a lot of dirt or sawdust in the process.)

During the past few weeks, there has been some discussion on several Internet forums about how a specific medical crisis was handled at another horse welfare organization. We're not going to discuss the details or opine on who was "right" or "wrong" but, eventually, the discussion turned to criticism of the farm's appeal for donation of bandaging materials. "If they can't afford bandages, how can they afford feed, hay, vet care, etc etc etc?"

If you've visited the Traveller's Rest web site, you know we also appeal for donations of "little stuff." And here's why:

Not many people are able to donate, say, $1,000 for a load of hay. But most people that want to help can manage a bottle of fly spray, several rolls of vetrap, or a few tubes of antibiotic ointment. Now, if only 100 people donate one $10 item, that's $1,000 not coming out of TREES checking account for "little stuff." $1,000 that can then be spent on hay, vet bills, senior feed, etc etc etc.

In addition to allowing TREES to not spend money on small items, those donations very often cost the donor little to nothing as well. The item might be something they've had sitting on a shelf for months or years. It might be something that was on sale, or even a BOGO deal. Maybe its something that just didn't work for the donor's horse, but is perfect for one of TREES' residents. (We also have to note the benefits of recycling/repurposing in these cases.)

Coming from another angle, we never want visitors to feel their gifts are "too small" or "not much." Every - and I mean every - donation contributes to the overall well-being and happiness of TREES' resident geezers. That includes donation of "stuff," time, services and good old moral support.

Celebrate the "little things." We do!

(PS......we owe quite a few people thank you notes for gifts received during Nate and Mona's rehabs........we acknowledge being very behind in that department. We haven't forgotten your kindness and are grateful for your patience. )

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